holly & alex

So it’s been a while since I’ve written anything and decided to write something down finally.  I’ve been busy with life, healing, and weddings and my website has been neglected long enough.  Here’s Holly and Alex’s wedding day in Racine, WI!  I’m so happy and proud to be a part of their day.  The day started off as your typical hot Wisconsin summer, hot and humid but that didn’t really spoil the day or fun we all had.  It was filled with so much joy, laughter and emotion.  The truth is that it was just perfect.  A stress free bride just relaxing before the ceremony, a nervous but anxious groom, and dad making jokes and anxiously waiting to walk her first daughter down the aisle.  It really was a story book wedding and how I would wish my wedding to be.  The people that mattered the most were there, the home brew beer flowed endlessly, and the dancing…well we all know how that went.  Most importantly we had plenty of time to make pictures and this always my favorite part.  Thanks Guys.



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