Kristin & Pete

Friday July 26 I was driving from Milwaukee to Crandon, WI for Kristin & Pete’s wedding.  I still remember the drive like it was yesterday as it was raining and storming most of the way there.  I was emotionally drained as we finally laid my dad to rest that Monday.  My tear ducts were dried up and my motivation for photography was lacking.  Honestly the last thing I wanted to do is photography, the one thing that reminded me the most about my dad.  As I passed Green Bay I was talking to myself, to God, and to my dad.  I was upset, sad and angry.  I finally understood the concept “life is not fair” and it was not.  My dad left this world way too young.  I was driving through the storm and I asked to see some sort of sign that he was ok and that he was out there somewhere.  10-15 minutes later while still driving on I-43 I see 2 beautiful vertical rainbows with no arches appearing in the middle of the road from the storm that passed not too long ago.  Straight big vertical lines from the heavens to the ground.  They were enormous and vibrant in color.  I was floored and overjoyed.  I just knew everything was going to be ok.  As I arrived I was reunited with some familiar faces.
I’ve known Kristin and Pete for a few years now.  I had the awesome honor of photographing Kristin’s sister, Morgan who’s now married to Kevin who I also photographed all of his siblings so it was pretty special and one of the ultimate bucket list check off.  They have such amazing family and friends and their parents definitely deserve a lot of praise.  They are warm, funny and most of all relaxing to be around. Though the temperatures dipped into the 30’s in July it didn’t phase any of them.  So it was such a joy photographing their awesome Grandma’s lake house and backyard wedding.  It was definitely a special and beautiful place to be at.  Seeing that this was also the place Pete asked Kristin to marry him as they were sitting on the docks looking at the beautiful lake view.  The place where they retreated too on their vacations and school breaks.  It would be that special place too now where they said their I dos and promises to each other surrounded by their closest friends and family.  It was truly a special day and one I will never forget and I’m so grateful I’m able to do what I do.  I’m so happy that I was able to be able to witness such a joyous day and it made me realize just how awesome my job is.   As I look back at this day I’m reminded of the new life lesson I’ve learned.  If there’s one way to look at it it’s not to take this life and loved ones for granted.  If you have a dream seek it.  Failure is just evidence that you are trying in this world.  If you have loved ones, parents, brothers and sisters or grandparents don’t take them for granted.  They like you one day will be gone from this world and all you have is this time NOW to be with them!  So live, love, and dream because life is beautiful.


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